"Escape from the Uzedom"

3 July 2017, Monday

July 5 at 19.00  the cinema Mir will premiere a full-length documentary film "Escape from the Uzedom", dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the famous fighter pilot, Hero of the Soviet Union, Honorary citizen of Kazan and the Republic of Mordovia Mikhail Devyataev. Within the framework of the film event, a meeting will be held with the creative group -  production director Alexander Kasyanov, e producer Igor Kabanov, and also the relatives of Mikhail Petrovich.

The film tells about a heroic destiny of M. Devyataev. His life - this is not a myth, although very similar to the most twisted action-packed Hollywood blockbuster. He passed four death camps and on February 8, 1945, escaped from the concentration camp from Uzedom Island on the German modern Henkel-111 bomber with 9 Soviet prisoners-of-war mortars on board. The island of Usedom was the top-secret German missile center Peenemünde, where the world's only tested ballistic missiles FAU-2 - weapons of retaliation, as Hitler called it. Historians will call it a miracle - the bomber Henkel-111, whose control Mikhail Devyatayev mastered almost in the air, could not bring down the German fighters raised by alarm.

M. Devyataev delivered strategically important information to the Soviet command about the military training ground and the secret testing center at Uzedom. Subsequently, this information allowed a successful air attack on Uzedom, and the information that Mikhail Devyataev gave to Soviet intelligence formed the basis for the creation of the first Soviet R-1 missile by Sergei Korolev and, in many ways, changed the course of the Great Patriotic War.

But the recognition of his unprecedented feat came not at once ...

An interesting fact: the name of Mikhail Devyataev was recorded in the Guinness Book of Records - as the only pilot in the world who for the same act - escape from the camp - was initially under the strict supervision of the NKVD for 12 years, and then, thanks to Sergey Korolev's petition, he was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. In addition, Devyataev was awarded the Order of Lenin, two Orders of the Red Banner, orders of the Patriotic War I and II degrees, medals. November 24, 2002, Mikhail Petrovich died in Kazan, where he lived his whole life. He was buried at the Arsk cemetery, on the site where the memorial complex of soldiers of the Great Patriotic War is located.

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